Cyber Skills Talks to Anna Daly
30 Nov, 2022
Min read
Every year Science Week aims to encourage people to discuss and explore the possibilities that science offers. Cyber Skills brought that discussion to the popular platform Instagram, with a live discussion between broadcaster and small business owner Anna Daly, and Cyber Skills Lecturer Gillian O’Carroll. The event was funded by Science Foundation Ireland as part of their Science Week activities.
The discussion centered around cyber security, and how small changes that we make can give us more security and confidence in our online shopping, whether as small business owners or shoppers ourselves.
Anna Daly has been a regular on Irish TV screens and now owns her own organic clothing line Little Bliss. She herself has been a victim of ‘cloning’ on Instagram, where a fake profile is made in order to trick their followers to a fake site. Gillian advised that although it is difficult to challenge this, to lean on the services provided by large companies like Instagram, “Use their reporting services, and demand that they provide customer support.” She also advised that Social Media Users use their profile to warn their followers about fake accounts, “The relationship is key here, so that you retain the trust you have built.”
Gillian also warned about cyber hygiene practices that can make your online activity safer. Although these can be well known, a reminder is often helpful. Simple strategies, like copying and pasting the url instead of a link can go a long way towards preventing a phishing or smishing attack. Phishing attacks are via email and smishing are by text message or SMS.
The chat has been viewed over 5,000 times so far, and you can watch the chat back on