Cyber Security Academy
13 June 2022 - 17 June 2022 | 10:00 - 15:00 | Online
The Cyber Security Academy is back for it's second year! Join us online for our 5 day FREE cyber academy. This is open to all 4th and 5th year students aged 16 years or above. Suitable for beginner and advanced students.
Who is delivering the course?
The Cyber Security Academy and Cyber Futures is an initiative of Cyber Skills and Cyber Ireland. It will be delivered by lecturers from the Cyber Skills project with lab support from research students at Cyber Skills partner institutes, Munster Technological University, University of Limerick, and Technological University Dublin. The overall aim of the academy is to encourage an interest in and awareness of cyber security careers. Cyber security is part of everyday life and business, and whether you pursue a college choice leading to cyber security or not, we hope that you enjoy this course and that it will serve you well into the future.
Topics Covered
- Cryptography
Cryptography is integral to our online world. Online shopping, banking and communication all rely on cryptography to work effectively. As part of this course, you will learn how this cryptography works and how you can set-up encryption to keep all your own messages and communications safe. - Ethical Hacking
Ethical hacking is legally breaking into computers and devices to test an organization's defenses. As part of this course, you will develop the ethical hacker mindset by learning the fundamentals of command-line programming, attack frameworks, penetration testing and more. - Capture-the-Flag exercise
Capture-the-Flag is a fun and safe environment to learn what hackers do and the tools they use. It is a chance to practice the skills you learn during the academy as you face a series of fun challenges, getting more and more difficult, as you attempt to earn the most points. Rather than a race, this style of game-play encourages taking time to approach challenges in new and interesting ways. This will take place on the final day of the academy.
How to join
We are now taking expressions of interest in the course. To sign up please fill out the form at this link. We will then be in contact in early May to finalise places on the course.
We hope to see you in Summer 2022!