Dr. Geraldine Gray
- Title: Project Partner
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- Location: Technological University Dublin
- Department: Technological University Dublin
- Email: Geraldine.Gray@tudublin.ie
Geraldine is Head of School of Informatics and Cybersecurity in TU Dublin, overseeing applied computing and cybersecurity programmes that prepare students for today’s careers solving ever evolving technical and security challenges. Based at the Blanchardstown campus since it opened in 1999, she is proud of its positive impact on the diverse community it serves.
While at TU Dublin, Geraldine has been active in research, teaching, pedagogy, and programme development across undergraduate and postgraduate computing degrees. Her recent focus is on data science and learning analytics, exploring how data can inform enhancements to the learning experience and help students achieve their goals.
Geraldine has served as Principal Investigator on several funded projects with both industry and academic partners (worth over 1M). Over 50 of her publications can be found on Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UM150MQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao) including invited book chapters, journal publications and conference papers.