Donna O’Shea

- Title: Chair of Cybersecurity & Project lead
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- Location: Munster Technological University
- Department: MTU – Cork Campus
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Donna O’Shea holds the position of Chair of Cybersecurity in MTU – Cork Campus, is co-Principal Investigator at the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) research centre CONFIRM and Funded Investigator at the SFI research centre CONNECT and ENABLE and group lead of Ríomh – Intelligent Secure Systems research group. Donna currently leads a Higher Education Authority (HEA) Human Capital Initiative (HCI) project called CYBER-SKILLS which is a nationally funded project with aims to address the cybersecurity skills challenge and this is in collaboration with UCD, UL, TU Dublin and Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI), Virginia Tech U.S. Donna’s research expertise lies in the area of enterprise security (i.e. SDN and NFV security) and network and service management with a specific focus on the design, analysis and optimisation of wired and wireless communication systems, networks and services. Donna is passionate about promoting science and technology as a career for women and men, is a director of IT@Cork a not-for-profit independent business organisation representing the interests of the IT industry in Cork and is an IEEE Senior Member.